|Deal with Mr.Demon|

Ashika's pov

I groaned in my sleep, as I turned to the other side of the bed, while the soft mattress engulf me. The direct ray of light made me shut my eyes more, but I eventually let my eyes , fluttered open.

The first thing which came in my view was the night lamp which looked utterly odd. I never buy that. Did I ?

I moved my eyes in calculative gaze to adjust the surrounding, but it was totally unfamiliar and disorienting.

The room was the combination of black and grey giving not so good vibes. The bed was placed in the Middle of the room, a couch was placed opposite to the bed as few pictures of God knows what was hanging in the wall.

There were three doors in the room, two were adjacent to each other while one was just at the other wall a little more wider than previous two.

I tried to run my mind for the clue, as a instinct the library encounter came to my mind.

I remembered, I that I was about to escape just than my world went stif black, leaving with blur images of people, suited in black.

My eyes widened, as panic surged through my veins and my heart twisted in panic. I gulped as sweat beads travel down my ears.

I looked at the side table in search of my phone, I opened the drawer, and just than I saw a big shiny metal pistol, making me shiver in fear.

I was somehow clear that this room is of the same demon who caged me in his creepy room.

Sure, this man in form of demon is not a normal person.

I was about to take it out, as just than the door flew open.

I gasped, as I looked at the sound, only to drown down in fear.

There, the demon of my conscious life, was materialized in the doorway, his presence casting a shadow over the room. The air grew heavy with tension as my gaze met with his, a wave of fear washing over me.

He, with his expression unreadable, approached towards me, slowly, in predator steps while his hands stuffed in his pockets.

My heart hammered in my chest as I recoiled, instinctively backing away from the enigmatic figure before me.

I shivered as I scotted back, to the opposite side of him on the bed.

He reached to the edge of one side of the bed, and looked at the intensly. I moved my gaze away from him as he kept standing there. I looked at my back as I reached to the end.

And dumb fooled me. To check my luck I thought of running while jumping off from the bed.

I looked at him, just to see him looking back at me. He raised his eyebrows in question, while a sinister smirk played off in his lip, as his one knee dip down in the matress.

Run Ashi !!! My subconscious screamed at me.

I gulped, as just than I turned back, I kept my one leg on the floor and was about to land the second one, but a large hand clasped on my forearm, pulling me back with such force that I landed on his chest.

My heart skipped a beat as I looked at him, the raw anger and desires visible in eyes.

I gulped again as my throat went dry to the proximity we were sharing. We were standing on our knees while my both wrist were gripped by him.

And for the second time in my life, I did my biggest mistake.

I gathered some courage, from my femenism and made my knee swing in air to get in direct contact with his balls.

He left my wrist and rolled down on the bed chuckling darkly as his eyes never lift mine. The raw anger and something else was held in them , making me turn in my heels in urgency.

I am in deep shit!

I hopped down from the bed, as I ran towards the same door he entered from.

I grasped at the handle and opened it as just than, I shut closed with the loud bang, making my ears go numb.

I was pushed back in the same closed door till my back touched the cold woody surface of it.

He grabbed my wrists and pulled them up above my head. As I closed my eyes shut.

He help my chin forcely in his forefinger and thumb making me look at him.

We were so close that his hot, raged breaths were fanning over my face.

I looked in his eyes, which were staring back at me, making me feel cry in fear.

"I thought of going easy on you scared kitten, but now I wouldn't" he huskily whispered near my lips, as he flickered his gaze between my eyes and lips.

"Your fierceness, is something making me turn on kitten" he said as he pressed his entire body on me.

"I..I swear...I..I w.. wouldn't tell... anyone...ab.. about you.

Just leave me pleaseee...I...I beg..you.. please"

I cried. I wasn't a girl who cries infront of anyone, but this was too much for me to handle. To much in just a day.

People will say that one should be strong, which I tried to be.. but I can't.. I am still fighting with my inner self that this came into life , making it a rollercoaster for me.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I looked at him, who looked back at me with same intensity.

A ray of hope lighten up in me thinking of escape from here. From this demon.

He looked at me , while slient tears were escaping from my eyes with no mercy as a dread blood from the hurt.

He took his free hand, near my cheeks and wiped off the tears from his thumb's pad. I raw emotion visible in his eyes which was soon hidden from his neutral one.

I didn't fell strange or disgusted, when touched my cheeks. Hell I don't know this freak name and I am making assumptions. Dump me..

I looked at him, as he cupped cheeks, rubbing his thumb in a circular motion.

A emotion flicked up in his eyes, soon gone with his stiff one.

"Let's make a deal kitten shall we?" He wishpered near my lips as he kept rubbing his thumb on my cheeks.

I don't know what was deal about but, sure I think he wants to make things clear between us before setting me off.

I barely nodded my head, as his lip twitched up a little forming a smirk.

Okay! Now I am scared.

" I gonna release you, and you're going to run for your life, I will give you a damn whole day till you run from here kitten and hide in your safest spot, but here's the deal unlocks....

I will haunt for you, after a day searching for you like a predator for his prey...and If you win , you get to escaped from me.. you will be set free to live your life which will never be crossed by mine...

but.... If I catch you... I will bring you back..here to my personal hell..and you will willingly surender to me and let me do whatever I carve to do to you."


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