|escaped or caged |

Ashika's pov

I was stunned to speak, My words got stuck in my throat as he stared at me intensly. What does he mean by punishment?! Am I a toy for him or what. I just met this guy few days back at the cafe and that's was biggest turn on my life.

I gulped as I looked at him, his one hand was on my waist and one on side of my head on the bookshelf, preventing me from moving.

I came to my senses and tried to push him, but he didn't moved a inch. I gritted my teeth and stomped my heel on his foot, making him back away.

I looked at him, as he stumbled back, and looked at me while clenching his jaw, as his eyes were filled with rage.

Shit! Ashi run your asss. Damn it!

My subconscious mocked at me and I pressed on feet to move and run away from him.

I ran to the left blocking his view as I entered in the law of other shelf. My blood freeze as I heard him chuckled dark, before his predator steps sound reach up to my ears.

Calm down Ashi, don't be scared.

I managed to repeat these lines in my mind as I hide behind the two large shelf near the exit.

I peaked to see if he was in my sight, but there was no sign of him, not any sound too.

I released a unsteady breath I looked at the exist.

You can do it !.

I moved towards the exit and just than back off because of the sound of my heels.


I quickly removed them, and gripped them in my hand like a shield and tip toed towards the exist carefully to not make any sound.

I looked back , but there was no one. Great he is busy searching inside.

I gripped at the handle and handle and released a relief breath. Here I g--

"Found you scared kitten" his dark husky voice reached up to my ears, making my blood freeze in my veins, the sudden thumping of my heart, started as I gulped and looked back.

He was there few feet away standing in his all glory, with proud evil sinister smile playing off in his face.

"Come here scared kitten, you have eventually lost " he said while taking a step forward towards me.


I backed off and twist the handle open, and came outside, but my luck didn't work, as pair of hands came up in my mouth with a cloth.. and slowly i zoned off as the blur image of black shadows dumped me off.


Aadish's pov

My scared kitten is with me. In my dark embrace. Just near me.

I was heading back to my mansion with my kitten in my hands, sleeping soundly. I would like to have her with me and go to my place nicely, but she was so adamant to escape from me as she tried to ran, and I had no option other to make her unconscious.

I would had caught her easily while she was running to hide from me in the library, but I gave her time. Time to run because I fucking love to catch my scared kitten.

She was so afraid when she was me standing just back at her. She was trembling and looked like a cat caught while stealing and yes, she stole my heart away and there I no way I am going to leave her.

Now, if she is with me I am not going to let her go . NEVER away from me. She have became my addiction which is only increasing only had by day and fucking love it.

I looked down at lap as her head was placed there. I gently stroked her hairs and backed off her hair strand.

" Welcome to my hell ashika Oberoi " I said as my eye darken looking at her face features. She is not Changed a bit I last saw her 3 months ago, and from that day I had been looking for her.

Flashback..(3 months back)

I stepped inside the bar, as the wave of alcohol smell, got up in veins. With calculative gaze I glanced at the sight front of me.

The dance stage was pack of people clinking to each other in the rhythm of beats. The sound of clinks from the bar was sounding as a head ache.

I moved further, followed further with my few mans to the vip section.

In the first place, I haven't chosen this place to come for deals, but the bastard had some other plans.

I moved towards the VIPs and strode inside. I reached to the clamest place of the bar till now which was Isolated from other ways.

I entered inside the room separately with an wooden door from the hallway.

"Mr. Singhania welcome " daison raspy voice reached up to my ears boiling my anger.

I sat across from him , while unbuttoning the blazer.

He is daison Garcia, he is the head of Norway mafia companies after his father. he is so hyped about his life, when he was stuffed with golden spoon, itself in his birth.

The biggest smuggler and a womaniser .

But, I eventually have ties with him as he works from me in contraband trade. As he helps me up in navigating the underground network to smuggle contraband items accross the borders.

"Bark up daison " I said out of frustration because his ugly smile was eating me up.

He smirked before he continued.

" The shipment had been sailed off from the west, and entered the borders at 2:23am as per the radiators , but some unknown ships marked up were spotted in the borders line, eventually there were no harm from the other side , but by the agents on the ships, traced some Same type of elements like last one."

I clenched my jaw hard . It's time to show them.

" Search for any trace to the area covering up radiation of 2km and if got any of them. Than strangle them to death to speak out "

I said in authorised tone and got up before buttoning up the suit and moved out of the place .

I was descending as a voice caught my attention, and I looked up for the voice.

I saw a girl, sitting in on the bar chairs, laughing out in her angelic voice, she was facing me sideway so her half face features was visible to me.

She had a slim fit body, with curves, her half black hairs  were  floating in her back . She was wearing a black fitting dress with puffed slips.

I moved further to look at her and my breath hitched, when she was totally infront of my eyes.

Her smile was fluttering up my heart like never before, her eyes were shining up with joy .

My eyes darken as sudden urge to mark her mine filled up in my veins, as I was about to move further, my phone went off with the call displaying of dhruv, which must be important.

I galanced at her last time before moving out to take the call.


I came back, to see her m but she was gone. Her un presence made my heart twist , I looked around to get a glimpse of her, but she was gone.

I fisted my hands as I dash outside towards my car.

In these years of my fucking existence no girl could have got my attention and just a little look of her made me want her.

I speed of my car without any direction as my mind was filled up with her thoughts.

Soon you will be mine.......,

Flashback ends....

From last 3 months I looked for her to mark her mine and I finally got her for all myself.

The car came to an halt as we reched to my mansion. It was situated in an isolated place, away from all the people.

I came out of the car and carried my Ashi in arms and moved inside the mansion. I strode upstairs towards my room with her.

I pushed the door open with my one leg and walked inside towards the bed.

I placed her gently on the bed and tucked her inside the comforter.

I looked at her as my gaze diverted towards her plump red lips. I wanted to fucking kiss her and do all the things with her I imagined, but I composed myself.

I pecked at her forehead and smiled proudly.

"You are now totally caged with me, in my dark hell and soon you will be marked mine too"

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