|fear and terror|

Ashika's pov

The loud voice of alarm echoed in the room, making me Groan in my beauty sleep.

Like literally !

With still closed eyes, I moved my hand all over the bed to grab my phone to turn off the alarm.

I glanced on the phone once, before swiftly turning the alarm off and getting back to my sleep.

Even not a minute was passed when my eyes flutter open as the realisation hit me , making me dorwn in worry.

Today was the publish of my 6th book, as anonymous.

I had already scheduled the date of 6 December, as it was my sixth book.

I took a galance at the time , and it was already past 9am.


I crused under my breathe and flopp out of the bed, ran towards the bathroom in no time.

I turn on the shower, as the cold water ran through my body leaving it in shivering.

I did my morning business a little fast than I expected, but who cares I was already running late on my most important day.

I grabbed my laptop and phone and walked out of my room towards the living room.

I switched on the laptop and started my meeting with my only manger out there.

He was the only one with me in my hard days, I had survived to achieve this fame in my life.

He is rayen Sharma. He is 2 years older than and work as my manger to manage everything, after I write the books.

I started of the call with him and scheduled the time of realise.  The covers and other things our all finalized,  it had to be just published.

The call took time more than I expected, but it was worth it.

I ended the call and took of the earpiece from my ears, relaxing them.

I galanced at the clock, and it was already 11am, and there was no time left to make my breakfast nor I had any energy for it.

I quickly cleared up the table and placed them at my room.

Just, than I messaged popped up in my phone, grabbing my full attention.

It was from unknown number, for which I frowned because this was my personal number shared only with the close one.

I clicked on the message and the thing I read took away my soul .


I hope you have thought about the decision and have made a right choice .

I am going to meet you soon today at your place baby.


(your only aadish singhania)


As soon as I read the message, my breathe got hitched.  The memory of yesterday flashed over my eyes like a blur past.

I had totally forgotten about the danger in the form of beast is lurking around me, while I am roaming around like a careless person.

I gulped the lump formed in my throat, as the sweat beads roll down from my forehead making there way to my neck.

It's freaking December and I am sweating in hell.

'I am going to meet you soon today at your place baby '

His words echoed in my mind as I looked at Time.


I don't know when he will come, but I don't wanna meet him. Not now. Not ever.

It's better to stay out of the house then in it.

I quickly grabbed my phone and weared up my oversized coat while moving towards the door.

'now from my own freaking home I have leave like a thief'

I thought and sighed before moving out.

As I stepped outside, the cold breeze washed over my face making it cold.

I pulled my coat more towards me and started walking in the paths.

I could have taken my car, but I knew it will be very easy for him to find me then.

I walked towards the near by cafe and grabbed my regular coffee.

I took it and walked to the library,  the only place I can survive for all day long .

The door of the library slide open as I stepped inside. I took a sigh of relief.

Uhh finally!!

As walked inside, but the atmosphere was kind of tensed or can say was more calm to thank my liking.

There was no one there like no one, other than me.

I shrugged away the thoughts and grabbed one of ghetto books and sat on the corner of the library.

As I sat down a message popped up on my phone.

I frowned, before sliding into the message.


Hiding up now.  Are we ?

But, I will love to find you scared kitten.


That's it.  I read the message again and again to digest it.

I knew something was fishy when I came here.

I gulped down the lump and released a uneven breath to calm down my nerves.

Breath in. Breath out.

Breath in. Breath out.

Breath in. Breath, ---

I was calming  down myself , as just than the door of the library slide open.

My breathe got hitched as the familiar cologne filled up in my nerves.

He is here.,

I stood my quietly and looked around the library. I galanced at the door to find any trace of anyone, but there was no one.

I unfamiliar silence filled up in the atmosphere, thick as to cut slice a knife.

I gulped as I walked forward, clutching my coat tightly on my besides.

I walked more ahead just than I was suddenly pulled towards something hard.

I gasped as a pair of hands covered my mouth, preventing from screaming.

I breath got hitched as came in direct contact with him.

He slowly removed his hand and put is either side of mine, caging me between him and the shelf.

I gulped as I looked in his eyes.

They were dark, helding anger and deisre in them.

His jaw was clenched hard and with the his sharp gaze he buried down in my soul.

I breathe sharply as he dipped his face in the crock of my neck sucking breaths there.

He brushed his lips slightly up from my neck towards the earlobe and sucked on them.

I bite on my lower lip while shutting my eyes closed, controlling myself from moaning.

He bit on them harshly before, whispering huskily.

" you have been caught scared kitten, and now it the time for your punishment. "

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I write books♡ ♡Dark romance books 💋