|shadows and intrigue|

Ashika's pov

I closed the book, while sighing in releif. Being writer is an also a stress full work.

I had been working on from since yesterday to get the perfect character sketch for my leads , but nothing came to my mind at that time.

Luckily I saw that man , from which I got the sketch of the lead for my crime book.

I must say that the man was hella gorgeous and masculine, like straight came from my fictional book .

The way his jaw muscles flexed, the way he move,..uff.

I am eventually, falling again over a stranger whom I saw just yesterday.

I shrugged away the thoughts, and leaned back at my chair.

Resting my head back while closing my eyes and relaxing my bones with satisfying humming of the library reaching up to my ears.

This is what I needed for so long. I have been working recklessly without even caring about myself, just because I wanted the book to somehow start and get going.

Even, mumma many times scolded me over the phone, to not skip meals and all. But, after all the hectic works, I just need a sleep .

I snuggled deeper in the chair, as the relaxation took over my body.

It have been months since I visited my parents, to meet them . Livin' all alone in the mid of the city is very difficult.

But now I have got a habit of it. Uhh.. sure I am taking a break to home.

I opened my eyes and streched a bit, yawning continuously making tears gather near my eyes.

Sure I need a good amount of sleep, but not in the library though.

I straightened up and ,pack everything back again in my toot bag and weared my full length jacket back.

I grabbed the empty coffee cup and threw it on the nearest dustbin.

I glanced at the whole library, which was humming up with silence.

There was no one at this time, nor do I like expected , because it was freaking 10pm at night.

I slide the door open and came out of the library, letting the cold Breeze of winter wash over my face.

The roads were dead slient, as the dark clouds took over the sky.

The lights of street road were dim, with fog making barely see anything .

I pulled my jacket more closer towards me and started walking towards my car.

I reached to it , and was about to open the car door when a masculine voice caught, my attention.

"We meet again" the person Said with deep husky voice making me feel Goosebumps all over my body.

I turned around, only to get shocked with widened eyes of mine.

There he stood, under the shed of shadow with an sinster smile over his face, while his hands were inside his pockets.

His face wasn't fully visible to me, but the little help of street light did it.

I recognised him. How can't I . ! He was the same person whom I met yesterday, at the cafe.

" Do I know you? " I asked with a small smile on my face and act as formal as I can .

He smirked, before taking predator steps towards me. The aura around him was screaming danger,  making me want to run. But , my feets felt glued there.

" You don't, but actually you will. Ashika." He said while standing just mere feets away from me.

I was shocked. How the hell he knows my name.

The fear took over my senses. I gulped looking at him, who intensly stared back at me.

" Who are you ?!" I asked in as demanding voice as I can, trying to hide the fear laced up in my voice.

Keyword - trying

" That's the thing for which I am here, baby" he said while coming extremely close to me.

I backed of, as my back touched the the cold slippery metal of the car, the cold mixing up with the fire of fears ignite in me.

I felt fucking scared from this person right infront of me. I didn't knew, he was the same whom I was prasing a little time ago.

" What do you want ?!" I asked while looking at him with my sharp gaze.

"You " he said in his dark deep voice, while caging me between the car and himself.

I looked at him with widened eyes, I went numb hearing him, does he know what he is saying?.

A strong Shiver run down my spine as he slide down his one hand on waist sensually.

I quickly jerk off his hand from me and turn to walk past him, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him, making me come in contact with his broad chest.

" LEAVE ME, YOU BASTARD !" I yelled at him while trying to free me from his hold.

He didn't said anything, just tighten his hold on my body making my breath hitched.

I looked at him , only to see his eyes burning in rage.

His jaw was clenched while veins were popping out from his forehead.

He leaned down towards my face , while gripping up my jaw with his one hand .

Sure there will be imprints of his fingers.

Our breaths were fanning over each other's face giving the raditent of anger and tension built up in the air.

" you will be soon to be mine baby. " He said in his adamant voice.

"No...nonono" I screamed at his face.

His eyes darkened as his voice a low and measured warning, spoke to me.

"Listen carefully, ashika. The world you've crafted with your words, the one you keep hidden, is like a delicate veil.

I hold the power to reveal it to the world, to lay bare the secrets you've woven into your stories.

Consider this a caution — the choice is yours. Deny me, and the veil may unravel, exposing the intricacies of your hidden narratives. Embrace me, and your stories will remain shrouded in the protection of our shared secrets."

He said as left my body. A terror filled up in my veins with the information I got now.

He knows.

He knows, I am a writer.

He warned me.


I came out of thoughts as the voice of engine filled up in my ears.

I lifted up my heavy eyes and saw him speeding off and vanishing between the fog.

I don't know who is he, how he knows me, what he wants from me, but I was clear that a new unveiling chapter of my life will be opened with the terror I got from this man.

I wiped off the tears escaped from

my eyes, and got inside my car and drove off , still thinking about the warns he gave me , which are still to be unveiled to me.

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I write books♡ ♡Dark romance books 💋