|Unexpected encounter|

Author's pov

A girl sat engrossed in her novel at the dimly lit café, the soft glow of the pendant lights highlighted the auburn waves cascading down her shoulders.

Her eyes, a deep shade of hazel, sparkled with a mixture of curiosity and creativity as she scribbled notes in her worn-out notebook.

She was Dressed in a subtle blend of sophistication and comfort, she exuded an air of quiet elegance that hinted at a world filled with imagination.

She kept on crumbling the pages, and throwing it aside on the table getting frustrated with her mind.

She was looking for an inspiration for her character, but at that time like nothing came in her imagination too.

She was ashika Oberoi, an anonymous writer, filled with the passion of unspoken words , which get laced in her novels.

In the world of bussy jobs , she chosed to be a hidden author, inking her imagination in crips page.

People worshiped her books, but still she was unknown to the world. That was only the reason because of why she can work openly and anywhere.

The air in the dimly lit café hummed with the low murmur of conversations and the soft clinking of coffee cups.

Ashika, immersed herself in her latest novel, her mind lost in the world she was weaving.

On the outside of the cafe, a black Rolls Royce Phantom

Got haltted in its way, stopping at the front of the gate of cafe followed by some men.

A man full dressed in evnoy, came out of the car, while buttoning of his blazer and looking straight.

He was non other than , aadish Singhania. A MAFIA whose rules the world.

He got settled and turn to move to the inside of the cafe, because of the mafia events to be discussed.

Little did she know that the door's gentle chime signaled the entrance of someone who would soon change the course of her life.

On the other side of the cafe, Aadish entered the cafe with his men around him, protecting him like a shield.


His presence lingered in the shadows,  almost magnetic.

His dark, tousled hair framed a face that bore the subtle scars of a life lived on the edge.

Piercing eyes, the color of stormy skies, observed the world with a calculated intensity.

Dressed in attire that effortlessly blended into the urban backdrop, he moved with a quiet confidence, leaving an enigmatic aura in his wake.

Aadish, a figure draped in shadows, surveyed the café with a calculating gaze.

He moved with the grace of someone accustomed to the shadows, the very essence of danger concealed beneath a façade of casual elegance.

As if guided by fate, his eyes locked onto ashika, her presence stirring something unexpected within him.

He was taken Back by the beauty sitting at corner of the cafe , busy in her own depth world.

He left a attraction towards her, the attraction which will take path to mark her his.

He was so engrossed in observing the beauty of her with each slight details of her face to look for other things.

Ashika felt a strong stare on her making her slight known. She lifted her eyes only to meet this dark orbs one.

The intense gaze of him made her feels the shiver running down her spine, with slight desire to crave for more.

She felt she saw a Greek god, standing there all suited..

For not knowing a reason, she made him the inspiration of her character sketch to go for her book.

seeking inspiration for her crime novel, unwittingly stumbled upon a clandestine meeting.

Wide-eyed, she observed in silence, her pen poised above her notebook, capturing every detail.

Unknown to her, aadish, the enigmatic figure in the corner, noticed her presence with a mixture of curiosity and guarded interest.

Ashika felt an tension developing in them.

She shifted in her seat and looked at him, while he was staring at her with an intense gaze.

She felt an spark, towards him, with unspoken words shared between them from their eyes.


" I want the information about her " aadish said to dhruv, leaning back in his chair while staring at his phone.

He was staring at the photo of the girl he saw in the cafe , ashika who took his heart without her knowledge, making him crave more.

" You.. what ?!!" Dhruv asked , with the horrifying shocked face.

Ofcourse he was shocked, when aadish talk is about girls.

"I want it any how possible, for which I don't give a fuck , but I want it right away."

Aadish said in his more calmly dangerous voice, making dhruv sigh in frustration.

Dhruv knew that arguing in this topic wouldn't make him turn off from the decision and if aadish is talking about girls, than its is serious.

Dhruv nodded, and left to grab the task he was handed over by him.

In meanwhile, aadish kept on scrolling the photos of her , adding more desires to his thoughts.

He smirked while kissing the photo, and said ,

"your soul is tangled with mine, and untangling it would be to unravel the very fabric of our fates."


There was a knock at the door, which was answered by aadish with a 'coming.'

Dhruv entered his cabin with an file in his hand which was set up in his table.

" She is ashika Oberoi " dhruv said while sitting infront of the desk leaning back .

" She is an author, anonymous author. Her identity is still hidden for the people"

dhruv continued while aadish was looking at the information.

Dhruv didn't asked about her, because he was sure that aadish have got something big in his head.

Aadish kept on turning the pages, gaining the information about her.

"Now you will be mine Ashi " aadish said in his dangerously calm voice, while standing up from the chair.

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I write books♡ ♡Dark romance books 💋