1. My fate


"Amahra you have to listen me! "

"I am not listening nor gonna listen you all! What do you mean by get married?! I am still 26 and a fresh junior doctor, let me just enjoy my life Maa"

"that's the Point Amahra, you are 26 and remember you are the princess of Chauhan parivar. Your elder brother also got married 2 years ago and your bhabhi is also pregnant for 8 months and soon the baby will also born. You should understand that the rules of the family " Maa said while getting frustrated.

"Ohh! Fine so you want me to be married right?! Than give me 2 years to find a match for me you know love matters" I spoke, just to end this back and forth game.

"no need for that! We already found one for you and if you want you can meet him soon "maa said with a smile.

"WHAT!? you found one ?? I m not gonna marry some- " my words were cutted by papa

"that's it! No more discussion and it's final Amahra you will get married by the end of this year" papa said while sitting in his royal chair.

"but papa-"

" no if and buts Amahra I Already said you will and u will " papa spoke out with frustration and soon my vision got blurry and gloomy and yes the tears roll down ony cheeks.

I ran out of my father's study room and ran towards my room wanted to just disappear from hear.

I was sobbing really hard but didn't wanted to show them..

As soon as I entered the room, I shut my door with a loud bang! And throwed myself into the bed snuggling like a baby and crying lungs out of me.

I was so upset from my parents that how they can make marry whose name also I never heard.

I wanted to be independent woman chase my dreams and rule my own world but, my fate decided something else for me..!

I didn't even know when I drifted off to sleep because of tiredness..

Time skips...

My eyes felt heavy and my neck was aching really hard I stir in my sleep and with half open eye looked in my surroundings collecting all the memories of what happened and a laon tear escaped my eyes.. I wiped it quickly and sat straight woundering for how many hours I slept.

I searched for my phone and saw it on night stand but my eyes fell on something which bought a Long smile on my face..

Besides my phone, there was a tray full of chocolate and my favorite snacks..with a note in it..

I quickly grabbed the tray and my phone with never ending smile on my face knowing who did this.

I stuffed my mouth with handful of chocolate and started moaning as the taste of dark chocolate and dry fruits hit my taste buds, making a chocolate fountain in there..

I opened my phone while eating my favvvive but chocked up seeing the time.. It was fucking 1 in the morning!! I slept for like 7 hours?!

And no one care to wake me up!! REALLY!

I was damn sad now but hunger took over me and I thought of getting some food for myself.. Maybe they left some..

I got up from the bed my feet touching the cold marble floor sending shivers down my spine but never mind I wore my minion slippers and stretched my whole body, relaxing it... Than again my eyes fell on the note and I opened it.. It was from my lovely BHABHISSS.

"After you are awake come to terrace

Don't make your bhabhi wait!

Love you Amahra "

I felt emotion running through me making my eyes welled up in happy tears... God someone really cares.!

But it was 1 am probably they have slept as it was mid February and they can't stay in terrace for so long and after all Ayushi bhabhi is pregnant she had to take rest...

I felt bad to ruin there plan though but I will surely make them happy tomorrow...

My thoughts got interrupted while my stomach growls.. I sighed and halted towards my door opening it slowly so it doesn't make sound. Though this floor is reserved for me only but I still don't wanna wake the ghost..

I tip toe through the stairs making sure to make sound and entered the kitchen switching the lights on.. I looked around the whole kitchen to find Food but non was left..

I sighed and opened the fridge to find something I can eat... I kneeled down to search in the lowest compartment of the fridge but felt.. Someone was behind me I gulped hard not wanting to turn but with courage I took my slippers in one hand and halted around beating the person who came in contact .. Not bothering who was it..

" chorr chorr! Ahmmmmm'" I started shouting but a plam came to cover my mouth...

" clam down little lady! It's me aadi your bhai yrr" aadi bhai said and I stopped at my spot with widden eye..

He slowly took off the palm from my mouth...

"s-sorry bhai I didn't knew you were here... But you scared me.. " I said but my gaze swifted to the back of bhai and I saw a slittoutle of a lady...

I knew who was it and I smirked knowing there plan...

" why are smirking? And what's wrong with your face! Stop making these disgusting faces" bhai said.. With a frown..

"well.. I will stop but who is she behind you.. Bhai" I asked with a mischievous smile plastered on my face.

Bhai groaned and said " come out Anya, she already know "...

"bhabhi.. Come on come out.. Kittna chupe gi " I said between my laughs..

"I thought you didn't notice me..

Well now our plan is worth less because Amahra already saw me.. " bhabhi said in sad tone..

"what plan guys.. " I asked both of them.. Excited to know it..

"well... As you know that papa have arranged your marriage so we thou--"

Bhai started saying but, I over talk..

"well guys.. I appreciate your work.

But don't wanna talk about this now.. So you can leave " my mood Swifted to frustration..

Not because of marriage.. But what they all do... Is because they feel pity on me...

I said and turned to continue what I was doing... ( finding food from the fridge)

" Amahra listen to us for one time " bhabhi said coming forward but I stopped her and said..

"no bhabhi.. You all have to not feel pity on me because of this whole drama just leave me alone "

I found out a left over cake and taking it I ran towards the stairs not wanting to talk to anyone..

The faint voices of bhai and bhabhi disappeared when I reached my room .

I jumped into my bed while clutching a pillow and started crying.. Pouring my heart out...

I know shouldn't have said those words to bhai and bhabhi but, I can't control myself of anger.. Anger because they felt bad for me.. And

That's what I hate the most..

I looked out of my balcony.

The fresh cold breeze is coming inside the room.. Towards me and drying the every drop of tear came.. From. My eyes.. I smiled knowing my worst days are coming..

I cried and cried until.. I drifted off too sleep in the same position..

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I write books♡ ♡Dark romance books 💋